Subscribing to WebHooks
This section describes which events that are possible to subscribe to and how to manage your subscriptions.
Supported event types
This section describes which events that can be subscribed to and how the event JSON object looks like.
When “overtagelsesdato” changes.
"EventType": "AppropriationDateChanged",
"EventCreatedDate": "2022-04-28T11:26:41.5334824+02:00",
"Payload": {
"CaseId": 1
Use AdvancedPropertySearch to get the new date:
POST /flow/api/Search/AdvancedPropertySearch?$filter=Id eq {caseId from payload}&$select=TransferDate
When the status of a case changes.
"EventType": "CaseStatusChanged",
"EventCreatedDate": "2022-04-28T11:26:41.5334824+02:00",
"Payload": {
"CaseId": 1
Use AdvancedPropertySearch to get the new status:
POST /flow/api/Search/AdvancedPropertySearch?$filter=Id eq {caseId from payload}&$select=Status
When a case is set to sold.
"EventType": "CaseSold",
"EventCreatedDate": "2022-04-28T11:26:41.5334824+02:00",
"Payload": {
"CaseId": 1
Whenever a Finn publication changes.
"EventType": "PublicationChanged",
"EventCreatedDate": "2022-04-28T11:26:41.5334824+02:00",
"Payload": {
"CaseId": 1,
"PublicationId": 1,
"Type": 1
- Finn = 1
- FinnComingForSale = 150
This event can be used to know when the asking price published to Finn (PublishedAskingPrice) has changed. Use this API to get the updated value:
GET /flow/api/Conditions/Properties/{id}
Requires “Cases - Read” authorization
When a new case is created.
"EventType": "OppdragCreated",
"EventCreatedDate": "2022-04-28T11:26:41.5334824+02:00",
"Payload": {
"CaseId": 1
When a stakeholder is created.
"EventType": "InteressentCreated",
"EventCreatedDate": "2022-04-28T11:26:41.5334824+02:00",
"Payload": {
"Id": 1,
"ContactId": 1,
"CaseId": 1
When the data of an existing stakeholder changes.
"EventType": "InteressentChanged",
"EventCreatedDate": "2022-04-28T11:26:41.5334824+02:00",
"Payload": {
"Id": 1,
"ContactId": 1,
"CaseId": 1
When an existing stakeholder is deleted.
"EventType": "InteressentDeleted",
"EventCreatedDate": "2022-04-28T11:26:41.5334824+02:00",
"Payload": {
"Id": 1
When an activity is created.
"EventType": "AktivitetCreated",
"EventCreatedDate": "2022-04-28T11:26:41.5334824+02:00",
"Payload": {
"Id": 1,
"CaseId": 1,
"Type": 1
When an existing activity changes.
"EventType": "AktivitetChanged",
"EventCreatedDate": "2022-04-28T11:26:41.5334824+02:00",
"Payload": {
"Id": 1,
"CaseId": 1,
"Type": 1
When an existing activity is deleted.
"EventType": "AktivitetDeleted",
"EventCreatedDate": "2022-04-28T11:26:41.5334824+02:00",
"Payload": {
"Id": 1,
"CaseId": 1
When the status of a settlement changes.
"EventType": "SettlementStatusChanged",
"EventCreatedDate": "2022-04-28T11:26:41.5334824+02:00",
"Payload": {
"CaseId": 1
Use the SettlementStatuses endpoint to get the new status:
GET /flow/api/Properties/{id}/SettlementStatuses (Id = CaseId from payload)
Possible values for the response field “SettlementStatus”:
- “Waiting”: Venter
- “General”
- “TransferredToSettlement”: Overført til oppgjør
- “SettlementReceived”: Mottatt oppgjør
- “DeedSentToRegistration”: Skjøte sendt til tinglysning
- “SettlementCompleted”: Oppgjør gjennomført
- “Archived”: “Arkivert”
When the home seller’s insurance selection has changed.
"EventType": "SellerInsuranceChanged",
"EventCreatedDate": "2022-04-28T11:26:41.5334824+02:00",
"Payload": {
"PropertyId": 1
Any subscriber to this event can request the selected insurance option by calling the endpoint:
GET /flow/api/Properties/{id}/Information (Id = PropertyId from payload)
Possible values for the response field “SellerInsuranceType”:
- “Unknown”: Ikke valgt
- “Yes”: Ja
- “SellerNo”: Nei - selger ønsker ikke boligselgerforsikring
- “TermsNo”: Nei - selger kan ikke tegne boligselgerforsikring iht. vilkår
When the marketing package on a case has changed.
"EventType": "MarketingPackageChanged",
"EventCreatedDate": "2022-04-28T11:26:41.5334824+02:00",
"Payload": {
"MarketingPackageId": 1,
"CaseId": 1,
"CaseGuid": "fb4d7e56-1be7-49a5-994f-646890ece2a7"
When a checklist item on a case has been checked.
"EventType": "ChecklistItemChecked",
"EventCreatedDate": "2022-04-28T11:26:41.5334824+02:00",
"Payload": {
"CaseId": 1,
"CaseGuid": "fb4d7e56-1be7-49a5-994f-646890ece2a7",
"Id": 1,
"Key": "ChecklistItemKey",
"DefinitionId": 1
When an employee has been updated/changed.
"EventType": "EmployeeChanged",
"EventCreatedDate": "2022-04-28T11:26:41.5334824+02:00",
"Payload": {
"EmployeeId": 1,
"EmployeeGuid": "fb4d7e56-1be7-49a5-994f-646890ece2a7"
When an office has been updated/changed.
"EventType": "OfficeChanged",
"EventCreatedDate": "2022-04-28T11:26:41.5334824+02:00",
"Payload": {
"OfficeId": 1,
"OfficeGuid": "fb4d7e56-1be7-49a5-994f-646890ece2a7"
When dynamic sale text has changed and requires reload. And reload is required when the dynamic sale text has been added, deleted or when the position has been updated.
"EventType": "DynamicSaleTextChanged",
"EventCreatedDate": "2022-04-28T11:26:41.5334824+02:00",
"Payload": [
"Id": 1,
"Guid": "fb4d7e56-1be7-49a5-994f-646890ece2a7"
"RequireReload": true
When dynamic sale text has changed and doesn’t require reload.
"EventType": "DynamicSaleTextChanged",
"EventCreatedDate": "2022-04-28T11:26:41.5334824+02:00",
"Payload": [
"Id": 1,
"Guid": "fb4d7e56-1be7-49a5-994f-646890ece2a7"
"DynamicSaleTextHeaderId": 1,
"UpdatedDateTime": "2022-04-28T11:26:41.5334824+02:00",
"RequireReload": false
The response contains a list of ids and guids of all the cases on which dynamic sale text has been updated. Subscribers can request the updated sale text for each case by calling the endpoint:
When reload is required:
GET /flow/api/DynamicSaleText/Cases/{caseId}/DynamicSaleTextItems (caseId = Id from payload)
"Id": 1,
"ParentId": 1,
"Header": "Title",
"Text": "<p> Content </p>",
"Level": 1,
"ShouldNotBePublished": false,
"ErrorMessage": "",
"HasError": false,
"UpdatedAt": "2024-05-06T11:05:46.3641898+02:00"
When reload is not required:
GET /flow/api/DynamicSaleText/Cases/{caseId}/DynamicSaleTextItems/{headerId}
"Id": 1,
"ParentId": 1,
"Header": "Title",
"Text": "<p> Content </p>",
"Level": 1,
"ShouldNotBePublished": false,
"ErrorMessage": "",
"HasError": false,
"UpdatedAt": "2024-05-06T11:05:46.3641898+02:00"
When a hyperlink of a general text has been changed for a case.
"EventType": "HyperlinkChanged",
"EventCreatedDate": "2022-04-28T11:26:41.5334824+02:00",
"Payload": {
"GeneralTextId": 1,
"CaseId": 1,
"CaseGuid": "fb4d7e56-1be7-49a5-994f-646890ece2a7"
When a participant is added to an activity.
"EventType": "ActivityParticipantCreated",
"EventCreatedDate": "2024-05-09T11:26:41.5334824+02:00",
"Payload": {
"Id": 1,
"CaseId": 1,
"StakeholderId": 1,
"ContactId": 1,
"ActivityId": 1,
"Type": "Type"
StakeholderId is only returned when the activity is of type “Showing”, and if the contact is a stakeholder on the case.
Type |
Unknown |
TaskActivity |
TelephoneActivity |
ShowingActivity |
InspectionActivity |
TransferActivity |
ContractMeetingActivity |
MeetingActivity |
LeadActivity |
StakeholderActivity |
BuyerLeadActivity |
When a participant is removed from an activity.
"EventType": "ActivityParticipantDeleted",
"EventCreatedDate": "2024-05-09T11:26:41.5334824+02:00",
"Payload": {
"Id": 1,
"CaseId": 1,
"StakeholderId": 1,
"ContactId": 1,
"ActivityId": 1,
"Type": "Type"
For a list of possible Type
values, see the event ActivityParticipantCreated