Adding a reminder to a note

It is possible to add a reminder to a note. A reminder can be configured to be sent after specific events occur in Core to any contact through SMS, email, or a popup in Core.

To add a reminder to a note, you will need the following permissions:

Notes - Write
Notification - Write

Use the following endpoint:

POST /flow/api/Notes/NoteNotification

and include a request body similar to:

	"NoteId": 29071,
	"CommentId": null,
	"SendEmail": true,
	"SendSms": true,
	"SendToClient": true, // Popup in Core
	"ContactIds": [
	"CaseId": 222333,
	"ActivityType": "TransferActivity",
	"NoteNotificationTriggerTimes": [
			"Before": true, // Time before or after the activity takes place
			"Minutes": 30,
			"Hours": 0,
			"Days": 0

For an ActivityType event, the following values can be used:

ContractMeetingActivity (Kontraktsmøte)
InspectionActivity (Kundemøte)
TransferActivity (Overtakelse)
ShowingActivity (Visning)

If you rather want the notification to be triggered after a certain settlement status is reached on a case, you can pass a SettlementStatusId instead. For example:

	"NoteId": 29071,
	"CommentId": null,
	"SendEmail": true,
	"SendSms": true,
	"SendToClient": true, // Popup in Core
	"ContactIds": [
	"CaseId": 222333,
	"SettlementStatusId": 18

It is also possible to specify a normal case status instead of a settlement status. To do so, use CaseStatusId instead. For example:

	"NoteId": 29071,
	"CommentId": null,
	"SendEmail": true,
	"SendSms": true,
	"SendToClient": true, // Popup in Core
	"ContactIds": [
	"CaseId": 222333,
	"CaseStatusId": 141