
The structure and how to navigate a contact filesystem is almost entirely the same as for a case. Most methods used for a case can easily be used for a contact as well, such as creating a new folder.

POST /flow/api/Contacts/{caseId}/Directory

Upload file on a contact

Add new file to a folder in the file system on a contact

POST /flow/api/Contacts/{contactId}/Directory/{folderId}/File

FolderId is the Id of the folder you received in the previous call

FormData request body

  • file: filedata


  • List<DirectoryItem>

Get files on a contact

If you already know the id of the file to download

GET /flow/api/Contacts/{contactId}/FileItem/{fileGuid}

file: filedata

Otherwise, you can first perform a search on filename in the filesystem to find the file needed. It matches either folder or file name.

GET /flow/api/Contacts/{id}/Directory/Search


  • List<DirectoryItem>
    • The files can then be downloaded by using the Guid for the file.