Photo Providers
Photo providers are third parties that supplies a broker company with photos of a property.
This section will cover two different ways a photo provider could work with Flow to provide photos.
Marketing Integrator
It is fully possible for a photo provider to use our APIs with the marketing integrator system. This implies that we will set up your api-user such that the user in Core can perform an order towards your system. For details, please read through the section about Marketing Integrators, and the requirements for this.
After the integration is set up, your integration will be selectable for users in Core under Markedsføring > Eiendomsfotografering
Uploading an image:
POST /flow/api/Cases/Images
You can specify additional query parameters: int[] caseIds, bool export = false, string title = null, MediaCategory category = MediaCategory.General
POST /flow/api/Cases/Images?caseIds=12345&export=true&title='Image Title'&category=Environment
export flags whether to export the image, e.g. to
Id: Guid - fileId …
- CaseId
- Export
- ExportRes - Export to prospect (brochure)
- ExportDate
- ExportResDate
- Title
- Priority: int - Order of the image
Adding metadata to images
You are most likely required to set proper metadata for the images, such as image order, export to finn, brochure etc. Use the following endpoint with body containing the fields you would like to update or set.
PATCH /flow/api/Customer/Cases/{caseGuid}/Images/{fileId}
Query Parameter
- caseGuid: guid
- fileId: guid
MediaCategory: MediaCategory, FloorCategory: string, RoomCategories: List<string>, Priority: int, Export: bool
It is possible for a photo provider to manually upload images to a case, based on a url they get from brokers. If this is used, it allows a photographer to upload and tag images using the provided UI, needing no integration.
The broker themselves are responsible for sending the photographer the URL needed to access this site. They can find this in ‘Markedsføring’ > Lenker. For ease of use they also have the option of setting up a checklist-point that navigates them directly to this url, alongside adding a mail-template to a standard recipient.
This url is valid until the contract for the case or project expires.
"CaseId": 12345,
"Export": false,
"ExportRes": false,
"ExportDate": "2023-01-01T15:44:47+02:00",
"Title": "'Image Title'",
"Priority": 2147483646,
"Version": 0,
"Category": "Environment",
"FloorCategory": "MainFloor",
"MimeType": "image/png",
"Size": 1055,
"Hash": "44F97D8186FDE020954D264DC8E80B89C4C16DDF",
"Id": "ecc5ceee-df79-48aa-8ded-ee7ff821f34e",
"ParentId": "1d9429dd-f9cf-4b28-b8a8-e188766bc5d6",
"ParentUniqueFolderType": "Images",
"LastModifiedDate": "2023-01-01T13:44:47.8383204+00:00",
"Name": "testimage.png",
"Type": "Media"
- General,
- Interior,
- FloorPlan,
- Environment,
- Facade,
- Map,
- ProjectFloorPlan,
- Panorama